Tuesday 24 July 2018

Here we go again!

If you read last year's cycle tour blog (Edinburgh to Dublin - Scenic and Slow) you may remember that initially I had asked my mum to join me, but she thought it would be a bit much and said 'ask me next year and give me time to get in shape'. More fool her! 😉

Following last year's cycle tour I knew that I would be doing another one, so back in January once Christmas was out the way, I put it to her again and she agreed to give it a go if I could put together a route she was comfortable with. We agreed the dates as the end of July, and started talking routes. Eventually we decided on a West to East cycle taking in southern Skye, the Caledonian canal, and part of the Great Glen Way finishing in Inverness.

My mum lives in a small village on the northeast coast called Helmsdale, where my Gran also still lives. It being Grans 90th birthday on the 20th July this year we decided to tie in the dates. I would head North for the birthday celebrations and we would head off on our mini tour on the 24th.

The first day would be spent travelling to our starting point in Kyle of Lochalsh, then on the 25th we would cycle across the bridge to Skye. Taking a scenic off the main road route to Armadale. The first day would be around 30 miles, and hill wise probably the hardest day of the trip.

The next day (26th) we would take the ferry to Mallaig on the mainland, and then the train to Corpach where we would pick up the Caledonian Canal for around 15 miles, taking in Neptunes Staircase and stopping for the day at the Great Glen Waterpark to allow time for some kayaking or canoeing in the afternoon. A much easier days riding!

The 27th would see another longer day from the Great Glen Waterpark to  Drumnadrochit with a stop off at Fort Augustus on the way, and time depending possibly a visit to Urquhart Castle.

The final day cycling would see us following the Great Glen Way from Drumnadrochit into Inverness, a slightly shorter day again  of around 20 miles.

While the distances on this trip are a bit shorter than last year's, we have also planned in a lot more options in the way of sightseeing.  Armadale Castle,  options of a Gaelic lesson on the way to Armadale (time dependant), the fossil museum in Corpach, Neptunes Staircase, the Great Glen, Loch Ness Exhibition Centre, Caledonian Canal centre, Urquhart castle, the Green Welly Stop, among others, not to mention the fantastic scenery and wildlife we would encounter!

All in all, another exciting trip lies ahead, and we look forward to sharing it with you!


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